Educate a woman, educate a Nation; MKUR Nursing students sensitize residents of Gatenga-Kicukiro district about Cervical cancer

As part of their school project, students from Mount Kenya University Rwanda (MKUR) nursing department on 4th, November, 2022 visited Gatenga Health Centre in Kicukiro district to sensitize patients, in particular women about cervical cancer and its causes. Led by their group leader Matthew Ouma Okumu, the nursing students spent their whole afternoon educating women […]

The Mighty MKUR lose to AUCA in basketball

Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA) basketball team emerged winners when they beat The Mighty MKUR 59-52 points in a game held at AUCA main compass basketball court in Masoro – Gasabo district (Rwanda) on 4th, November 2022. The game kicked off at 3:45 pm other than the slated 3:00pm due to rain and in […]

YOUTHCONNEKT Africa summit-MKUR Students “Represent”

You don’t know excitement if you’ve not been in school, or in general a community of young people: Youngsters are the true definition of “excitement”, give them anything you as an adult may consider boring, and they will birth life into it. Mount Kenya University Rwanda students are no exception, from the date the YouthConnekt […]

When Life gives you lemons…

So often, if not all the time, society wants to define us by dictating how we should look, dress, talk, act, among other things. It requires a special form of energy and strength for one to pay a deaf ear to all the “should be’s” of those around us. Unfortunately, not so many can: I […]

The wait is over, MKUR online magazine podcast section launched

Those who have keenly been following this site definitely have seen somewhere at the bottom an announcement “podcast coming soon”, and if you haven’t been observant or if this is your first time here, the editorial team would like to introduce you to our new born baby “MKU Podcast”. From the 26th to 30th of […]

MKUSA leadership swearing-in ceremony

Mount Kigali University  Student Association newly elected leaders were sworn this week in a colourful event witnessed by the University Vice Chancellor Prof. Edwin Odhuno, District youth representative, staff , students and other invited guests.  The ceremony was conducted at the university Main hall.  Outgoing leadership of MKUSA handed over to the new leadership as […]

MKUR needs an experienced Person for Vice Guild President-Ronald Nkusi

If you are a student at Mount Kigali University and are in any of the student’s Whats App groups, I’m sure you have come across a message or two from Nkusi Ronald. Having been at the school for a long time (completed his Bachelor’s course in Procurement from MKUR and is now pursuing a Masters […]