According to Tee, the best decision he has ever made in life was joining Mount Kenya University Rwanda, but like they say “All that Glitters is not gold”….Tony Ishimwe’s expectations in regards to sports and extra curricular activities were shattered as what he expected wasn’t what he received when he joined the compass.
The Basketball team captain for MKUR says there are wide loopholes in the way the University handles extra curricular activities a thing he wants to change the moment he steps into office. “Our university is big and very much capable of hosting numerous sports activities but we never see that happen because we lack the necessary facilities” he quoted.
Being a professional basketball player with Rwanda Basketball League(RBL), Tee hoped to find a well structured basketball court since he was coming to an International University.

The BBICT student in his forth semester started playing basketball at the age of 14 while at Excella Montessori school in Kimironko. In 2016, on top of playing for his school team, Tony started playing basketball for REG (Rwanda Energy Group) under 17-Under 20 (U-17-U-20).
After graduating from high school in 2019, Tee who was supposed to start playing professional and organized basketball had his goal brought to a standstill by the outbreak of COVID-19 that saw many gaming activities stopped. Late in September 2020 however, he was able to join SHOOT FOR THE STARS basketball club in the Rwanda National Basketball League.
Tee finds playing basketball a very good thing as he says it teaches him that through hard work, he can beat all odds. “Its a good field to learn about the ups and downs of life”, he adds. Although not yet in office (as a sports minister for MKUR), Tee has organized a friendly basketball game between MKUR Men’s basketball team (MKU THE MIGHT) and that of ALU (African Leadership University) that will take place on Friday 30th, September 2022 at ALU compass in Bumbogo next to Azam industries.
Quoting Kobe Bryant (MHSRIP) “Dedication makes dreams come true”, Tee wants to dedicate his remaining semesters in MKUR to establishing a strong sports spirit in the university. Just like the swimming team at MKUR has ladies, I want us to have a female students basketball team. In addition, I want to create a social hub where all talented students at the university can connect.
When not playing basketball Tee enjoys swimming, coding, working out, playing video games, singing, event organizing, as well as training young people who want to be professionals in playing basketball.