Dining in public, stay away from these

Social media is enjoyable and a great way to decompress, but for those who pay ‘attention’, it can also be a source of cash through endorsements, influence, and likes. Even better, it can be a place to learn new skills, including public manners. As you scroll through your feeds, albeit sometimes it depends on the […]

When your doubts are cleared: a tale of proclaimed Kigali volunteers

Life  teaches  a  lot  of  lessons  and  my  favourite  so  far  has  been  that; ‘we  reap  what  we  sow’. You  may  have  heard  of  it  as  a  proverb, but  I’ve  got  it  as  a  lifetime  lesson. Generation  ‘z’  calls  it ‘karma’, and  they  termed  her  a  ‘bitch’, because  she  serves  you  what  you  give. Knowing  […]

MKUR marks World TV day

Mount Kigali University Rwanda (MKUR), in partnership with Rwanda Media Program (RMP) and FOJO Media Institute on 21st, November, 2023 joined the world in celebration of World Television Day. The day was organized under the theme “Professionalizing Broadcast Training in Rwanda” to provide ongoing students in the departments of Mass Media, Communication, and Journalism with […]

Graduation; an end to one journey and the beginning of another

In a month’s time, Mount Kenya University Rwanda(MKUR) will be holding its 24th graduation ceremony, a significant milestone to prospective graduates. Graduation marks the end of one journey, and a beginning of a new chapter; filled with dreams and expectations, as well as opportunities and challenges. For the graduates, its vital that you go into […]

MKUR’s Kajette to feature in art exhibition

Born Kawera Jeannette, but commonly known as ‘Kajette by fans, is set to feature in a solo exhibition by talented artist-Munyaneza Henry, slated from 11-18, Nov, 2023 at Neza-H Art space in Kiyovu, a Kigali suburb. Themed “Rise & Shine UMUKOBWA”, the exhibition is a celebration of a decade of ‘resilience and triumph’ in Kajette’s […]

Inside Kigali’s  ‘Land  force’

It’s  not  every day  that  the  word  ‘force’  is  used  when referring to  road  transport. Today  however, allow  me  to  use  it: until  I  get  to  use  ‘air  force’ as  a  means  of  transport, ‘land  force’, in  all  its  diversity, is my  means  of  transport. Let me  take  you  down  memory  lane  to  when  I […]

What to know about MKUR’s first female Guild president

Following intense campaigning and majority voting, Mount Kigali University Rwanda (MKUR) acquired its first female Guild president. Florence Kudembe was voted MKUR’s Guild president on 26th,September, 2023, in a competitive election with counterparts: Shyaka Samuel and Murenzi Ronald. She took oath of office on 10th, October, 2023, and started her duties with immediate effect, serving […]

What a man can do, a woman can do better: Florence Kudembe to redefine MKUR leadership

Its election time in MKUR(Mount Kigali University Rwanda) and unlike previous elections, this one comes with a ‘bang’, one that is to go down in history. Primarily, because it is the first election the campus is holding since its accreditation. Additionally, a ‘female figure’ has come out to run for the biggest office. From the […]

MKUR’s DOS in Ethiopia for an inter-regional university tour

In partnership with Paxpress Rwanda, FOJO Media Institute(a Swedish organization under Linnaeus university; dedicated to strengthening journalism for a democratic and sustainable world), organized an ‘inter-regional’ university tour in Ethiopia to bring together, and strengthen collaboration among African educators. Taking place in Addis Ababa and Hawassa respectively, the tour that commenced on 5th, June, 2023 […]

Ex Kenyan BBC reporter meets MKUR journalism students

While on his work trip in Kigali-Rwanda, former BBC news anchor and reporter: Joseph Warungu made a stop at Mount Kigali University to speak to journalism students. Warungu was invited by the Vice chancellor-Designate Prof Edwin Odhuno, with whom they are OB’s(old boys) to have a word with the students on how to ‘make it’ […]