Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

How I made it in the world of decoration

Decorating is not about making pretty pictures for the magazines; it’s really about creating a quality of life, a beauty that nourishes the soul.”-Albert Hadley

Anitha Umuratwa Kate: founder ‘Nitha Impressions’ started her decoration business to make people happy and she’s proud that when trusted as a decorator and florist, she doesn’t disappoint.

I do this to make people happy and I am proud that what I do doesn’t fail me and ruin the trust that people put in me while choosing me as their decorator and florist“.

Throughout her childhood, Anitha wanted to be an entrepreneur; reason why while in high school, she included Economics in her combination(MEG/ Mathematics, Economics, Geography).

When she joined university(University of Kigali), Anitha decided to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in ‘Marketing and Business administration’ as a way of enhancing his career path.

Inspite having a business of her own presently, employing quite a number of people and training others, the young and growing entrepreneur’s journey has not been all smooth.

Starting off with almost zero capital, fear was one of Anitha’s challenge. How she was going to pull off a venture for ‘the rich’ with only passion in her heart was not easy to contemplate.

Nevertheless, she let her heart lead her; and with support from friends and family who believed in her, ‘Nitha impressions’: a decorating company for weddings, kitchen parties, anniversaries, and interior designing was born.

When you engage yourself in something with passion and giving it time to grow, you will never be disappointed“, she said.

For Anitha, challenges are still there but to her its part of the journey and so she’s not discouraged. “There are customers who are very demanding and yet after you give them your advice, they employ other decorators, this makes me feel betrayed but I shake it off fast because who knows?, next time they may come back with even more customers“.

Her word of thought to young people out there wanting to get into whichever business is; “be open minded, never let fear over power you, look beyond your expectations, and don’t wait until you get the money: start with what you have“.

All you need is discipline and believing in yourself.

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