We are in a digital world and oh yeah!, we love and enjoy every bit of it; how fast things get done, the convenience, but more so the fun.
What you use your gadget for and how you use it is with no doubt all up to you; we even have phrases like ‘my phone’, ‘my data’, ‘my posts’.
But while at it, don’t forget that there are people out there watching: potential employees included.
Uwera Anitha is evidence that what we put out there for fun can either ruin you or make you. The 22 year old became an event host after posting photos of her and herself ‘out and about’ almost all the time.

To many, she was a ‘party animal’ but to her, she was just doing what she likes and having fun; until one day someone reached out to her through her IG(Instagram) asking if she can be an event host.
Although she had seen people host events before, being one is not something she had dreamt about.
Anitha alias Babyna(work name) had her first hosting job in her home town-Gisenyi at Renew Hotel and since then, she hasn’t looked back.
“I was scared because it was my first time hosing an event but also fun and entertaining for me“, she remarks.
Asked if she considers event hosting a job, Babyna replied with a bold ‘YES’, “I pay my own bills all because of ‘event hosting’, people look at it as an easy job but it actually isn’t because you have to get people to come to your event; the more people you get, the more you get paid”
Besides all the fun, Babyna also encounters ‘bad days’ at her job; like people who make her work and refuse to pay her at the end of the day.