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From Beans to Cows: Atlanta Coffee Company Funds Livestock for Rwandan Farmers

Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee, an Atlanta-based coffee company, has launched a fundraising campaign called ‘Grateful Together’ to support coffee farmers in Rwanda.

The campaign aims to raise $10,000 by the end of January to provide dairy cows to families in the Kivu Lake and Ruli Mountain coffee-farming regions.

By providing dairy cows to these families, the Grateful Together campaign aims to provide immediate food and financial security, as well as set the foundation for long-term benefits.

In Rwanda, cows are a symbol of prosperity and togetherness, and owning a dairy cow can significantly support a family: The cow’s milk can provide food and generate additional income when sold, while the manure can function as a rich soil fertilizer for both personal gardens and coffee crops.

Additionally, families in the same communities can begin to breed their cows, nurturing a herd to further support the larger community.

The founder of Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee Jonathan Golden shared that the coffee industry in Rwanda was severely affected by years of fighting and genocide hence to help create employment opportunities and bring people together, Golden built the first LTH coffee washing station in the Ruli farming region.

The initiative highlights the importance of supporting local communities and empowering farmers in developing countries addressing complex social and economic issues.

Every dollar donated to the campaign can make a difference in the day-to-day lives of coffee farmers in Rwanda.

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