The plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies has given its approval to the foundational aspects of the bill, ratifying the final amendment to the UK-Rwanda Immigration and Economic Partnership Agreements.

This pivotal decision sets the stage for a significant diplomatic development, marking a crucial step forward in the implementation of the revised agreements between the two nations.
In a significant diplomatic move, Rwanda and the United Kingdom unveiled a groundbreaking migration treaty on 5th, December 2023. The agreement serves as a robust reaffirmation of existing commitments, addressing concerns previously raised about the protection of asylum seekers.

The impetus for this renewed commitment stemmed from challenges faced in the implementation of prior agreements, notably with interference from the British Supreme Court. In response, both nations have come together to bolster and solidify their cooperative efforts in managing migration issues.
This positive outlook is reinforced by the confidence demonstrated by the UK’s House of Commons, which overwhelmingly voted in favor of the new migration treaty with Rwanda.
The accord not only addresses concerns but also signifies a collaborative step forward, demonstrating the resilience of diplomatic relations between Rwanda and the United Kingdom. As the international community watches closely, the hope is that this treaty will set a precedent for effective and mutually beneficial cooperation in managing migration challenges on a global scale.
A statement on the Rwanda Parliament website on February 22, 2024, said, “Furthermore, the agreement mandates the enhancement of Rwanda’s asylum system through the establishment of a new appeal body. This body, co-presided over by a Rwandan judge and another from a Commonwealth country, will comprise judges from various nationalities with expertise in asylum and humanitarian protection. These judges, appointed by the co-presidents, will adjudicate individual appeals, reinforcing assurances against refoulement.”

Mukabalisa Germaine, a lawmaker in the parliament of Rwanda noted how impressive it means to implement this deal.
“It’s a pride that this parliament contributed its part in solving the global crisis and I’m also supporting this, Honorable speaker I was happy for the fact that these immigrants who will come will be integrated in Rwanda’s community,” said MP Germaine.

The amendment of this draft law is also expected to be passed over by the House of Lords in the UK, earlier this week hence to balance PM Sunak’s favour.
Uwamariya Donatille, says that this UK-Rwanda Deal will prominently benefit much on the well-being of these asylum seekers to be sent in Rwanda.
“Since this bill has been ratified it also has to be implemented because we know well that they will have a good stay not only for their wellbeing that will be prioritized but also their safety.” Uwamariya Donatille, the lawmaker said.

The Minister of Justice and the Attorney General Dr. Ugirashebuja Emmanuel said that the Government of Rwanda is ready enough to implement these agreements in line with international laws.
“The UK Rwanda immigration and economic partnership deal will be implemented under the international laws hence to protect those immigrants to be transferred to where their lives can be in risk, there you understand that there were some established strategies dedicated to protect the rights of those immigrants.” Said Minister, Dr. Ugirashebuja Emmanuel.
In the beginning, the government of Rwanda is expected to host more than 2000 immigrants in the first four months once this agreement is approved through the processes outlined by the laws of each country.

Additional reporting by Mutabazi Daniella