Much as unemployment is the order of the day for many young people out there, there are those who are using any kind of material at their disposal to break the chain.
Through posting beautiful photos of herself on IG (Instagram) for fun, Blessing was able to bag herself a job as a brand ambassador and she is now fully paid.
“When I opened my Instagram account, I was just looking for a safe place to keep my memories“, Irakoze Blessing stated.

At age 21, one has a lot of friends all advising you to take different paths in life: good and bad. It wasn’t any different with Blessing, her friends talked her into taking the path to social media influencing but she always paid them a deaf ear.
Until one time when she uploaded a photo of her self during her vacation from high school in 2021 and an anonymous person DM’d (direct messaged) her asking if she can help market his products.
Because she had a lot of free time at her finger tips, she never turned him down and the rest is history.

“My first paycheck was in November 2021, it was an eye opener that I was on the right track“, she recalls.
Present date, Blessing Ira (IG user name) is a brand ambassador for Afrolago (a leather manufacturing company based in Kigali) and Copin fashion design (Clothing company in Kigali-chic building). She advises any one who wants to join social media influencing to not join for the purpose of making money only, but because of the love for it.
Remember the quote “if you do what you love, you don’t have to work any single day“, well the young influencer recommends that among other tips.
Read: for more tips on social media influencing.