‘If you dream it, you can achieve it‘.
By just dreaming and believing in herself, Florence aka Lady Flora was able to accomplish her long time dream of being a business owner.
For her love of flowers, she ventured into a flower growing business something she says wasn’t easy.
“Anyone can grow flowers however, turning it into a business and a sustainable source of income is another thing, I had to take ‘business classes’ to be able to eventually start my flower business“, she recalls.

With the desire to take her business to the next level, Florence participated in ‘YouthKonnect 2020’ where she was awarded one million Rwandan Francs(1,000,000Frw) that she received in 2021 and re-invested in her business.
Apparently, Flora runs her shop online using platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp statuses.
She advices young people to start early, be patient and have passion for what they do.