Tomorrow never comes…so they say; and thus, often times if not all the time, we are urged to live in the present: Forget about yesterday and not focus so much on tomorrow because it’s never promised.
Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Should that always be the case though? Is the past really that bad that we should never remember it?
Growing up, Angela wanted to be ‘successful’ and never encounter her childhood difficulties.
Her dream career was to be a TV personality so that she meets different “stars” and ask them how they made it in life and maybe one day, be a star herself.
Henceforth, she worked tooth and nail and always made it a point to take the advise these celebrated people in her life gave during their interviews.
This one time as she watched her favorite show (TEENS CLUB on WBS TV), a famous Ugandan rapper GNL (Greatness of No Limit) alias Ernest Nsimbi when asked what his favorite quote in life is, he quoted; “If you know where you come from, you always know where you’re going”.
Loosely translated, you can’t be coming from a “bad” background and want to live like that for the rest of your life: One will always devise means to change their life story.
Angela took the quote to heart and throughout her life, she avoided anything that might get her off track.
Because life doesn’t come with a memo, what may work for the other is not guaranteed to work for you, at some point she nearly gave up.
Life hit her from all angles and slowly by slowly, her vision blurred and her dreams started to seem like they were just castles in the air.
When living in the moment became hard as well as looking at the future, Angela decided to take a walk down memory lane after seeing a memory on her Facebook page.
It was a photo of her taken two years back while she was all happy and dressed like a boss.

She decided to click onto her google photos app and flip through photos from her past while asking herself what went wrong.
Was it a change in the environment, the people she was spending time with or had she developed new habits that where bad and dropped old ones that were good?
Whatever the cause, she was determined to figure out what it was and get back to the old happy person she was before she could lose her mind.
Whilst the past is thought of as a bad place to revisit, it actually is not that always that bad.
“Every cloud has a silver lining“; so, once in a while, when you feel like nothing is going on well in your present life, take a few steps back and see how things were before.
You may be surprised to find out that actually things now are way better than they were before yet you still managed to be happy.
That alone will help you to find your zeal again as you work towards the person you want to be. Never give up, there’s always something to be grateful for.