Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

No more darkness and lack of hot water in Rwandan households

As one of the local leading energy companies, KOLMENA group Ltd a legally registered company in Rwanda focuses on solar and renewable energy applications in different economic sectors.

For the past three years, the company has been offering various services which include; solar heating systems, solar power system, solar outdoor lighting, and solar pumping systems to households, hotels and apartments in Kigali and across Rwanda.

Involved in the National electrification program of connecting all households in Rwanda to electricity by 2024, KOLMENA group Ltd has since 2021 connected around 6000 households.

We can’t thank you enough for what you have done for us, we are now able to get light during the night, listen to the radio whenever we want and our kids can study and revise without problems“, said the people of Karongi district-Mulindi sector that were given solar systems by KOLMENA.

The company has also signed a result based finance contract with Rwanda Development Bank (BRD) to provide stand alone solar home systems (SHS) to households in rural areas (off grid zone) under subsidy program.

“We are highly committed to ending energy related problems not only in Rwanda, but also in neighboring countries with similar problems by providing innovative solutions towards sustainable development”, said the Managing director KOLMENA group Ltd.

According to Sosthene, a solar water heater system comprises of a water tank, solar panel (collector), piping system for fresh water, water circulator pipes, and hot water outlets.

Solar panel by KOLMENA group Ltd.

He adds that the main benefit of using solar heater systems is to cut electricity costs. Outdoor lighting systems, stand systems of lamps and solar panels that illuminate open spaces like gardens, roads, access roads, and walkways are also provided by KOLMENA group Ltd.

The company’s mission is to contribute towards achieving the 7th MDG goal (ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all).

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