When it comes to business, we are always advised to not involve family if we would like to succeed: ‘Don’t mix family with business’.
Many bear witnesses of how their family members made their businesses go bankrupt, others were employed by relatives and never paid, so and so forth.
Such cases can make one feel discouraged to start up a business with a family member. However, not all ‘family businesses’ have bad endings.
Henry Bosco Levi Elisha is a student in the university of Juba studying Entrepreneurship who in 2022, together with his father Bosco Tabu Elisha started a ‘liquid soap’ manufacturing business.
Henry’s father contributed 65% and Henry 35% to start up the venture. The two first attended a training in 2020 to acquire more skills on how to manufacture the products because they didn’t have enough capital to hire professional workers.
Presently, they manufacture multi-purpose liquid soap, hair shampoo, hand-wash detergent among other products.

Henry says his first clients were his family and neighbors who upon seeing the quality of products he and the father were producing, recommended them to hotels, shops and other individuals.
“The high cost of soap in my community inspired me to start up the business. Besides, I always wanted to be an entrepreneur to earn on a daily and not monthly“, said Henry Bosco Levi.