Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

Mount Kigali University to fete best, in hotel naming competition

Mount Kigali University (MKUR) will award the best student who can coin a unique name for the new hotel being constructed in Kigali Rwanda.

In a message circulated by the Dean of Students, Joyce Kirabo the best name from a group will pocket Rwf 6 million, an individual winner will pocket Rwf. 3 Million plus a laptop and two nights stay full-board in the hotel as the first guest.

There will be awards for the second and third run-ups.

Submission for the competition must be submitted online before 30th July 2022 through a link.

The hotel is being constructed adjacent to MKU Rwanda. Once complete, it will be vital in complementing hospitality training.

Last year, the university announced a similar naming competition on the main campus for its modern convention center. George Ngugi, a student of Mount Kigali University (MKU) School of Public Health, was honoured for coming up with the winning name for the institution’s convention center, following a competition. His proposal was picked after he explained why the facility should be named after former President, Mwai Kibaki.

Ngugi said the Mwai Kibaki Convention Centre would acknowledge the third president of the Republic of Kenya who is somewhat unrecognized in the naming of landmarks in the country. Mr Ngugi further pointed out that Mwai Kibaki conceived and brought to fruition the Thika Superhighway that has transformed transport to the north, out of Nairobi.

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