Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

Imbuto Foundations receives 45,500,000 Rwandan francs from Mount Kigali University to educate the girl child

Chairman and Founder Mount Kigali University Prof. Simon Gicharu, hands over a cheque to Imbuto Foundation Director General Vugayabagabo Jackson. The VC Dr. Martin Kimemia Stands on the Left.

Imbuto Foundation, Director General Vugayabagabo Jackson giving his remark during the ceremony at MKU. He appreciated the role Mount Kigali University has been playing in supporting girl child empowerment through Imbuto.

During the event, Prof. Simon Gicharu addressed the attendees to where Mount Kigali University donated 45,000,000 Rwf to support girl child education through the Imbuto Foundation.

Vice-Chancellor Mount Kigali University Dr, Martin Kimemia following the speeches. The event is the second one since the renewal of the MOU signed between the Imbuto Foundation and the University last year.

DVC ARA Dr. Nkechi Irechukwu during the ceremony.

Director of Corporate Communication Mount Kigali University Henry Musisi follows the proceeding.

Part of the delegation accompanying the DG Imbuto Foundation.

Director of Admission Zachary Thiga of MKU during the ceremony.

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