Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

Food prices rise by 2.1% in one month-NISR

The National Institute of Statistics in Rwanda(NISR) report of February 10, 2023 indicates that prices of goods have increased by 2.1% since December 2022.

According to NISR, the rise in food prices and non-perishable goods increased by 3.6%, soft drinks by 5.7%, water, housing, gas, and other fuels by 12% with prices in country side a little higher than in the cities(38.8% in the country side compared to 20.7% in the cities).

The NISR index also indicates that in only one month, prices of food stuff in the cities increased by 41%, water, housing, electricity, gas, and other fuels by 8% while transport increased by 12.6%.

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