Living alone increases depression by 42%-research shows

A report published in ‘Psychology Today magazine’ according to Chinese researcher Wu and group, living alone increases your risk of mental illness and depression by 42% compared to living with others. In their research, Wu and group cited among others; long-term illness and shame as a result of poverty to be among the major reasons […]

My friends helped market my liquor store

Gone are the days when drinking wine was almost a ‘taboo’ in the African community. Thanks to education, exposure and change in ‘times’ of course, the drink is now a delicacy if not a ‘must have’ for many, it is also a source of employment and income to those who sell it. Through helping out […]

Young and Innovative

At the age of eleven, Yara Bigourd, Yelena Bigourd and Alyssa Essone are well-known figures in the digital world. The girls rose to fame after their coding ability gave birth to a cyber security mobile application known as ‘YAY’ which promotes awareness of ‘cyber security’ and the danger of the internet to teenagers. Coding is […]