10 Destinations to visit in Rwanda

Attractive and beautiful is what comes to everyone’s mind when they first set foot in the land of a thousand hills. When it comes to places to visit in Rwanda, nearly every tourist thinks of mountain gorillas, however, there are other places and tourist attractions that need to be added on any tourist’s bucket-list while […]

Keeping it Natural

“The future is brighter for those who prepare for it”, Author unknown…don’t remember where I heard it from but my hope is to not be making up things. I believe its true though, you want a better tomorrow, prepare for it today. To get that Degree, you must read for it, that Dream House/Car, you […]

Searching for greener pastures

We all love to travel; pack our bags and go to new places. Time comes and you feel you’re tired of being in the same place, you want to experience new: new things, new people, new environments. While some travel for fun, others out of boredom and curiosity, there are those who travel in search […]