Passion and hard work in football journey
Football is a very popular game all over the world, played by people of all ages, men, women, and people with disabilities. although achieving a given goal or exceeding a dream requires hard work, persistence, and patience and displine. As is the case with every player who has no support like Niyonshuti Salomon, his journey […]
Tales of a mechanical engineer turned musician

According to Omer Isingizwe alias Mirenge, 50% of young people don’t chase after their dreams but instead settle for what is convenient even when it doesn’t fully satisfy their desires. Although he holds a Bachelors Degree in mechanical engineering from ‘Ecole de Kabgayi’, re-known YouTuber: Mirenge TV and CEO Trace music Rwanda chose ‘passion’ over […]
Start small and grow big

“Rome wasn’t built in a day” is a known quote to many of us, but do we really understand what it implies?, allow me say NO. Very many of us have failed to go after our dreams because we think ‘we don’t have what it takes’. Well; I repeat, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’, […]
Young with a Vision: auto-mechanic buys house after one year at work

“Perseverance and focus is what has helped me get to where I am“, Wilson Niyodushima. From Ntenyo village-Ruhango district is where ‘boy’ as called by his co-workers came from to work in an auto-garage in Gikondo. Wilson started was recommended to work by his friend Eric Ngabo in 2021 after graduating from SICO TVT school. […]