Rwanda named among the countries where women can travel safely

Rwanda has been included in the five most reliable and safe countries in the world where women can do tourism on their own, without any disturbance according to a list by BBC media in the area of tourism released on 3rd, April, 2023. The high levels of security and stability, the value given to women […]
What to expect in the parliament and presidential elections combination journey

In February, the head of the National Electoral Commission, Odda Gasinzigwa, mentioned the wish of combining the parliament elections that were expected this year with the presidential elections that are expected in 2024 to the press. The National Electoral Commission(NEC) concern comes as an effort to reduce the costs: one election costs up to 7 […]
Rwanda to host the 2023 ‘African Heritage Awards’

To be launched on 1st, April, 2023 at Kigali Marriott Hotel, the African Heritage Awards will showcase the diversity and uniqueness of African culture. According to Heritage Times(HT) the official organizers of the awards, the concert is an opportunity to value and appreciate Africans from various walks of life who have done extraordinary work for […]
Living alone increases depression by 42%-research shows

A report published in ‘Psychology Today magazine’ according to Chinese researcher Wu and group, living alone increases your risk of mental illness and depression by 42% compared to living with others. In their research, Wu and group cited among others; long-term illness and shame as a result of poverty to be among the major reasons […]
Ben Affleck to release a movie about “Air Jordan” shoes

Benjamin Geza Affleck known in the movie as ‘Ben Affleck’ is set to release a movie portraying the history of the production of ‘Air Jordan’ shoes. Titled ‘Air’, the movie is directed by Affleck and written by Alex Convery; it tells the story of Nike’s pursuit to sign Michael Jordan and rescue the shoe and […]