“The future is brighter for those who prepare for it”, Author unknown…don’t remember where I heard it from but my hope is to not be making up things. I believe its true though, you want a better tomorrow, prepare for it today.
To get that Degree, you must read for it, that Dream House/Car, you have to work and save for it. Now save is the keyword here, with prices of commodities shooting up the roof every single day, and yet we still need to keep up and look beautiful, how about you make your own Beauty products and save yourself some coins for that vacation, trip, house, car, or phone? Read on to know how….
Home care skin products;
Gone are the days when it was only women who wanted to look good, these days also the men want to look good and impress their crushes, not only with out fits but with appearance too (six packs and glowing skins). The beauty with natural products is that they are good for all skin types and genders; not to mention that everyone can afford and access them.
Face care;

The recommended skin care routine is Cleanse, Tone, and Moisturize. These are many and expensive products for one to have and apply every single morning before they go to work, mind you they are to be applied only on the face and not the entire body. Now am not trying to diss artificial/already made products, instead am providing an alternative to some one out there who wants to look good but has a tight budget.
1. Natural face cleansers;

- Plain yoghurt
- Honey
- Apple cider vinegar
- Lemon juice
- Rose water
- Tomato
- Avocado oil
- Milk
- Olive oil
From the above list, you can’t fail to get something from your kitchen to use as a cleanser for your face with the easiest to prepare being milk, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or honey.
How to use;
In your palm, put a few drops of one of the products you have decided to use and apply on a wet face. Massage in circular movements and after wash off with warm water.
PS: If you have time, using cotton pads or a face towel feels good but since they are natural products, you may not want to ruin your white towels as washing the products out may be hard.
2. Natural Face Toners;

The beauty about natural face products is that most of them are two in one, what can work as a cleanser can also be used as a toner when tables turn. For example, lemon is a good natural cleanser for an oily skin and can also be used as a toner; same applies to rose water.
Examples of Natural face toners;
- Witchazel
- Lavender water
- Rose water
- Apple cider vinegar
- Distilled water
NB: Follow link to learn how to make your own face toner at home; https://helloglow.co/ways-to-make-homemade-toner/
3. Natural Face moisturizers;
Most of the oils in our kitchen pantry are not only good when consumed in food, but can also be applied to our skins and serve a great job when it comes to moisturizing, anti-ageing, and acting as sun screens.
Examples of natural face moisturizers include;
- Coconut oil
- Jojoba oil
- Olive oil
- Grape seed oil
- Shea butter etc.
Watch video below to learn about how you can make your own face moisturizer at home.
Follow link to read about facials, facial steps and products on my site if you haven’t done so yet; https://janebabra1.wixsite.com/mysite/post/your-face-your-identity