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Rwanda named among the countries where women can travel safely

Rwanda has been included in the five most reliable and safe countries in the world where women can do tourism on their own, without any disturbance according to a list by BBC media in the area of tourism released on 3rd, April, 2023.

The high levels of security and stability, the value given to women and the way people are received in particular is what made Rwanda make it to the list of ‘the five safest countries’ in the world where women can travel freely.

The fact that women have positions in high offices is another indicator that they are respected in the country according to the Women’s Protection Organization (WPO).

Rebecca Hansen, one of the women who traveled to Rwanda in 2019, said that she was surprised by the security forces she met there and how they received people.

“There are police officers and soldiers in every corner of the country day and night, it’s scary at first but later you realize that all those in uniform are there for the good of the people and they offer help where required”.

She added that, “another good thing is that people of all backgrounds are welcomed and are able to communicate in; English, French, Swahili and the traditional language of Rwanda before recommending; The Kigali Genocide Memorial in Gisozi, Ibirunga National Park, Nyungwe Park and Akagera Park as places every tourist should visit when they come to Rwanda.

Besides Rwanda, Slovenia, the United Arab Emirates, Japan and Norway were also ranked among the top five safest countries in the world.

Trending in tourism today is ‘travel solo’ where an individual chooses to travel alone.

A survey conducted by Norwegian Cruise Line revealed that one in three travelers preferred to travel alone. Virtuoso’s research also showed that solo travelers increased to 18% in 2022 from 4% in 2019.

Another finding is that those who like to travel alone are mostly women, but they face various challenges in the areas they go to, such as the lack of security, which can result in them being robbed or subjected to other violence.

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