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The inspiration behind Jamuz beverages

Hello, my name is Siama Chan the founder and CEO of Jamuz Beverages.
In 2021, I was bored of the constant importation of mere drinking soda in south Sudan for years as the country imports almost 90% of its food items from the neighboring countries. This act has implicating economical pain on citizens as the prices of these small things

I decided the best way to fix this undesirable predicament was to brew our own.
Consequently in April 2022, jamuz Beverage was born.

At only 24 at the time, I leased a building in At labara, got some scary bank loans, spent all my littlie money on stainless steel and started making some most refreshing soft drinks

We brewed stem, mirinda,different type of juices in 350ml, 500ml and 1,5l and sold our beverages at local markets and out of the back of our beat up old van.

My biggest mission when I set up jamuz Beverages was to make other people as passionate about encouraging and supporting local productions of small things like soft drinks as I was. And that is still my biggest mission today.

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