Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

Professional Journalism is the way to go

The training which engaged numerous state bodies, NGOs, media owners and managers, journalists and university students coming across all the journalism colleges nationwide. This training have had its big emphasis on the “Increase the resource base for students to gain skills on Gender/social inclusion lenses as integral to journalistic professionalism.”

Ms. Regine Akalikumutima, a CEO at WMP informed that WMP along Fojo Media Institute and Pax Press organized these trainings, targeting the journalism students representing four journalism schools, so that they would acquire adequate skills on addressing and reporting gender sensitive and social inclusive issues.

Ms. Regine Akalikumutima, CEO Women In Media Platform (WMP)

“The choice of leadership that Rwanda has chosen is transparency along with accountability.” Said Jean Bosco Rushingabigwi, media coordinator at RGB. He also added that the journalists are assigned of safeguarding the public interest by keeping the leaders accountable. In addition to educating the public and fighting misconceptions upon the gender context.

Mr. Peacemaker Mbungiramihigo, who represented Ministry of local government, reminded the participants that the country needs a problem-solving media. The one that encompasses professionalism within its line of duty.

The director of Pax Press, which is well-known for facilitating the media and journalists pursuing their career in Rwanda, Mr. Albert Baudouin T., encouraged the journalism students to starting viewing every story in a gender lenses so that they would learn to publish balanced and impactful news stories.

Students and Organizers during the training

The students were trained on ethics and skills that govern the reports made on gender-based issues, the barriers and ways of overcoming them. Aftermath, the trainees assigned the each student to work on different gender-based stories as they linked them with print and radio stations to publish/air those stories made.

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