Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

Bringing life to objects through photography

Real Estate Photography;
This is the type of photography that shows you different designs of estates for commercialists and others in need of updated versions of new designs out here.

Street Photography;
The idea here was to take random pictures of strangers without their knowledge and it happened defining that this Street photography is the easiest amongst all types.

Nature Photography;
This was taken outdoors to show the outburst of beauty among Kigali and it surely shows it. With your eyes on this, it catches the glances off you which is the main aim.

Landscape Photography;
Here it shows how you can be sorrounded by various things includ￾ing buildings, trees, vehicles and many other physical things that you can see yourself. This brings the true ideal of landscape.

Environmental Photography;
An environment is something that is external to a living being and it is simply all the physical, chemical, and biological factors sur￾rounding it. This includes all living and nonliving things.

Portrait Photography;
Portrait photography aims to capture the identity, personality, and
essence of a subject utilizing photographic techniques such as com￾position, lighting, and posing.
An example is this student at MKUR in hospitality.

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