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Mugisha Bruce William: A Trainer Transforming Lives and Uplifting Spirits

At WAKA Fitness, a gym that is not only defined for its astounding state-of-the-art facilities and warm welcoming atmosphere, but also an address for the 22-year-old Mugisha Bruce William who stands out amongst the rest every time of the day you’d rush into the facility’s door.

Despite the young age, Mugisha’s passion for fitness is palpable, and his dedication to transforming lives through training is unparalleled.

Mugisha William, a self made personal trainer.

The journey as a personal trainer that began after graduating from high school, one that is driven by a personal mission to empower others through fitness has never stopped. With drawing inspiration from his own experiences, Mugisha as a young basketball player had to overcome physical limitations to become strong and a capable trainer he is today.

“Being a basketball player, it has always been mandatory to keep fit to overcome physical limitations like being overweight. For one to be shortlisted on the team, they had to be fit enough! This motivated me to train a lot”, says Mugisha.

“Achieving this personally inspired me to try on being a personal trainer for people who wished such a service”, he asserts.

One of William’s success stories is Vanessa Garcia, a woman who had battled with her weight for years. Feeling overwhelmed and desperate, Garcia turned to Wiiliam for help and under his guidance, Vanessa not only shed the pounds but gained a newfound confidence that radiated from her.

“I lacked self confidence before meeting William because of my weight, but under his training and guidance, I managed to shed off a couple of pounds. I feel great, fit and healthy. I’m so proud of myself”, Vanessa remarks.

Vanessa Garcia (Left), with Mugisha (Right).

William’s approach extended beyond physical fitness; he recognised the importance of mental and emotional well-being  in the journey to health and through group fitness classes, charity events, competitions and workshops, he fostered a sense of community and holistic wellness.

Competitions organized by Mugisha brought together trainers and fitness enthusiasts, creating a spirit of camaraderie and mutual growth. Yet, what truly set Mugisha apart was his ability to instil a lasting [passion for fitness in his clients. They didn’t just achieve their fitness goals; they embraced a lifelong commitment to health and vitality.

A one Tesfaye Zoya, an Ethiopian woman would be a witness to this, finding renewed strength after giving birth.

“I can’t thank my trainer (Mugisha) enough for the amazing support and guidance throughout this process. He crafted a workout plan that was safe and effective, allowing me to regain my strength and confidence after giving birth”, Zoya asserted.

Mugisha’s gym – WAKA Fitness, is no longer just a place to work out; it has become a sanctuary of transformation and growth. Through his dedication, he has shown that fitness is not merely about physical prowess, but also about uplifting others, helping them realize their potential, and influencing the society to push for a healthier lifestyle.

“Fitness is not just about lifting weights for long hours, or even running on a treadmill. It is also about uplifting others through helping them realize their potential, and proving to them how the world’s happy place to be at”, Mugisha added.

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