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Mount Kigali University welcome council members to shape future of education in Rwanda

Mount Kigali University has held a significant ceremony for the signing of appointment letters between the Senior Management and the Senate Council members. The event held yesterday 13th July 2023, at the university boardroom marked an important milestone in the university’s development and commitment to excellence in education.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Martin Kimemia, the Acting Vice Chancellor of Mount Kigali University, expressed deep appreciation and honor for the council members joining their institution. He emphasized their valuable knowledge and experience in the field of education, which he believes will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Mount Kigali. Dr. Kimemia further highlighted the university’s mission of empowering generations through quality education, research, and community engagement.

Dr. Innocent Mugisha, the Chairperson of the senate Council Mount Kigali University, expressed gratitude and extended a warm welcome to the new council members. He confidently stated, “We anticipate witnessing substantial changes and development not only within our institution but also across the entire country.” Dr. Mugisha acknowledged the council members’ rich experience and background, recognizing their contributions as a solid foundation for the institute’s growth.

MKU Council Chairman Dr. Innocent Mugisha with Dr Marie Christine Gasingirwa a council member

This momentous event signifies the university’s dedication to achieving educational excellence and fostering a vibrant learning environment. The new council members bring a wealth of expertise and are expected to drive positive transformation within the institution, promoting innovation, inclusivity, and academic progress.

Dr Kamanzi Francis Signing his contract

Mount Kigali University remains committed to its vision of being a leading educational institution in the region, providing high-quality education and producing graduates equipped to address the challenges of a dynamic world. With the appointment of the esteemed council members, the university is poised to achieve greater heights and contribute significantly to the advancement of education in Rwanda.

Board of Directors representative Mr. Anthony Kamau witness Dr. John Gacinya a council member signing his contract.

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