Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

MKUR’s DOS in Ethiopia for an inter-regional university tour

In partnership with Paxpress Rwanda, FOJO Media Institute(a Swedish organization under Linnaeus university; dedicated to strengthening journalism for a democratic and sustainable world), organized an ‘inter-regional’ university tour in Ethiopia to bring together, and strengthen collaboration among African educators.

Taking place in Addis Ababa and Hawassa respectively, the tour that commenced on 5th, June, 2023 brought together journalism lecturers from; Somalia, Ethiopia and Rwanda: including MKUR’s Dean of Students(DOS)-Joyce Kirabo.

Joyce is in Ethiopia together with lecturers from Rwanda’s; East African University Rwanda(EAUR), Institute Catholique de Kabgayi(ICK) and University of Rwanda(UR) to present the ‘Rwandan media landscape and its place in nation building’, as well as discuss the challenges and opportunities of ‘print media’ in Rwanda during the Digital era.

Attending from Somalia is; Somali National University(SNU) with its delegates presenting- the roles of ‘Federation of Somali Journalists(FESOJ) in empowering journalists practicing within the country.

Ethiopia’s delegates are from; Addis Ababa University(AAU), Jimma University, Bahir Dar University(BDU), and Hawassa University.

During the tour, MKUR’s DOS together with her counterparts are to visit different media houses- EBC in Addis Ababa, Reporter Newspaper and South Radio and Television Agency(DTV), museums, and journalism universities within the country.

Up on closure, the tour will yield concrete steps for regional collaboration, curricula development, joint MoU, joint research, future collaborative courses and programme’ within the partnering universities among other things.

The partnership between FOJO Media Institute and MKUR came into existence in 2021 and since then, the Swedish based institute has supported both lecturers and students through professional trainings like; Gender equality, Environmental reporting, podcast creation, TV production, in addition to providing equipment such as; cameras, computers and recorders.

Joyce Kirabo-MKUR’ DOS giving a presentation during the tour
Osongo Nyayuki Andrew(left)-EAUR Head of Journalism Department, Joyce Kirabo(center)- MKUR DOS, Jean Baptiste Hategekimana(right)- ICK Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Dr. Musabimana Tharcisse(behind Joyce Kirabo)- from University of Rwanda
Joyce Kirabo during her visit at Unity park in Addis Ababa
Joyce Kirabo(center) and delegates from Ethiopia

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