Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

MKUR unveils the name of its multi million hotel

Ranked the ‘country’s best training school’ of the year 2022 by the Rwanda chamber of Tourism, Mount Kenya University Rwanda(MKUR) Hospitality and Tourism management department continues to ascertain its credibility.

On 10th, February, 2022, in an event held at the school compass in Kicukiro-Kagarama; the long awaited name for the Hotel that is being constructed to impart hands-on skills to students to enable them meet the ever-changing needs of customers in the hospitality and tourism industry was unveiled.

The name was decided on by a group of judges who according to the H.O.D(Head of Department) for MKUR school of Tourism and Hospitality management Mr. Paul Okumu, had a ‘difficult time’.

Over 2000 names were presented by the current students, alumni and the general public across the boarders following a naming competition that was launched in May, 2022 all the way to July, 2022.

Interestingly, the winner of the competition came from a group of seven people who had the same thought and they will share a prize of 6million Frw.

Three of the winners were students: Uwamuhoro Kenneth, Thomas Nyakiti, Kabare K. Winnie while the remaining four: Nyashimigana Joseph, Iradukunda Olivia, Murekatete Judith, and Peninna Ngizwenayo were members of the public.

We were looking for a name which was unique and would carry the inspiration of MKUR“, said the school H.O.D for Tourism and Hospitality.

Uwamahoro Kenneth; one of the winners of the 6million Frw who also happens to be a student of MKUR in the Faculty of Art majoring in English and Entrepreneurship while speaking to our reporter said he’s very grateful to be among the winners.

I’m happy to be among the winners, I applied through a link that the D.O.S(Dean of Students) madam Joyce Kirabo shared in one of the WhatsApp groups but I had even forgot that I participated. I was so surprised when they called me yesterday and gave me the news. We’ve been told that the money will be received in August when the hotel officially opens and I cant wait to use it to boost my business“, said Kenneth.

Dr. Emmanuel Nsabimana the Head of Department-Tourism regulation at RDB(Rwanda Development Board) thanked MKUR for standing by its word. “In our economy, tourism is given very much importance as its a government strategy to promote the industry, we can’t achieve more without the private sector and so we thank MKUR for playing a big contribution in curbing the reputation of bad service in the past by training professionals“.

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