Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

MKUR needs an experienced Person for Vice Guild President-Ronald Nkusi

If you are a student at Mount Kigali University and are in any of the student’s Whats App groups, I’m sure you have come across a message or two from Nkusi Ronald. Having been at the school for a long time (completed his Bachelor’s course in Procurement from MKUR and is now pursuing a Masters of Business and Administration) Ronald has all the experience one could need to lead fellow students, #Experience is the best teacher.

As a transfer student from Christian University of Rwanda(CHUR) in 2020, the “Whats App wizard” faced a couple of challenges that he never liked something that he doesn’t want to see happen to transfer students.

Life at MKUR during his first year threw stones at him but he was smart enough to use them and build castles: During his Jan-April intake in 2021, he became class representative, and together with his assistant Giramata Kevine, they did wonderful things for the students of BBM/BCOM.

In August 2021, the Africa Youth Leadership (AYLF) and MKUR Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) member, was elected Vice Guild President at the University. Asked why he wants to come back for office instead of giving fresh blood the opportunity to serve, Nkusi said it’s his fellow students who asked him to run again. “My return has been influenced by students who loved what I did in my previous term and want me to continue servicing them”, he said.

If re-elected, the tough looking yet humble Nkusi Ronald having been a finalist before wants to urge all those who are yet to finalize their studies to follow up the process of Final Clearance early enough so as they don’t miss out appearing on the graduation list.

In addition, he wants students to be taken through “Specialization” guidance from when they’re in the Fourth semester. “Many students have a difficult time when it comes to choosing field they want to specialize in, this is so because of lack of enough information on what careers they should take. Together with the MKUSA team and respective lecturers, we will organize a career orientation day for students at least every semester” Nkusi noted.

To sum up his manifesto, Nkusi just like Alain (who is running for International students representative) believes there are loop holes that he needs to tighten in the way the school administration sets Timetables for both classes and Exams not to mention the time for writing Final Exams which he believes is inadequate.

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