Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

Manitoba University Students engage in a transformative medical study trip to Mount Kigali University

Field visits play a crucial role in enhancing students’ academic experience by providing them with practical exposure and real-world insights. Such trips broaden their horizons, allowing them to witness the application of theoretical knowledge in a practical setting.

In this spirit, a group of students from Manitoba University in Canada recently embarked on an educational journey to Mount Kigali University in Rwanda, focusing on the field of medicine. This initiative aimed to expand their understanding of medical tools used in healthcare while immersing themselves in a vibrant academic environment.

Manitoba University delegate discussing with Mount Kigali University staff

Mount Kigali University, renowned for its expertise in medical education, warmly welcomed the enthusiastic students on Monday, July 17th, 2023. The visit not only fostered academic collaboration and exchange between the two institutions but also offered an opportunity for the students to gain valuable insights into specialized medical programs and facilities available at Mount Kigali University.

During their visit, the Manitoba students were treated to an exclusive tour of the well-equipped nurse laboratory at Mount Kigali University. This state-of-the-art facility showcased a wide range of medical equipment and facilities, providing the students with a firsthand experience of the tools used in the field of healthcare.

The visit allowed them to witness the practical application of their theoretical knowledge, deepening their understanding and providing them with a solid foundation for their future medical careers.

Harmen Keur Vati, a student from Manitoba University, expressed her excitement and gratitude for the warm reception at Mount Kigali University. She emphasized the students’ anticipation of gaining knowledge and experience from this immersive learning opportunity.

Manitoba University Students

The organized environment and the welcoming nature of the staff and students at Mount Kigali University left a positive impression on the visiting students, further enhancing their overall learning experience.

This educational study trip to Mount Kigali University highlights the significance of field visits in fostering academic growth and promoting cross-cultural exchanges. It serves as a testament to the commitment of educational institutions to provide comprehensive learning opportunities beyond traditional classroom settings.

Another student from the visiting university added that ” By exposing students to different environments, cultures, and approaches to education, trips like this one pave the way for individuals who are better equipped to navigate the complexities of their chosen fields”.

The visit of Manitoba University students to Mount Kigali University in Rwanda not only showcased the mutual benefits of academic collaborations but also deepened the understanding of healthcare practices through the immersion in the medical field. Moreover, their time at Mount Kigali University exposed them to a wide range of medical tools, providing valuable insights into the advancements in healthcare technology.

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