The mind will always forget, but the eyes will always remind it; only through ‘photography’ and its diverse nature.
Advertisement photography;
This picture was taken at Kicukiro centre it is an advert photo I took it because it is informing about a certain product ( skol beer).
Environment photography;
A beautiful picture you are seeing above was also taken at Kicukiro centre near IPRC College it is showing the green nature of the environment surrounding this centre of Kicukiro.
Food photography;
As you can see above there is a collection of fruits like mangoes, paw paws , apples, lemons and others which made up a balanced diet that’s why I managed to call it food photography.
Sports photography;
This picture is one of the best tennis photo which was taken at Kicukiro stadium in IPRC it is showing two players who are competing in their field.
Portrait photography;
It is showing the moto cyclists in Kicukiro how they are in their work transporting people and their goods from one place to another.
Landscape photography;
This land scape photography was taken on the bridge which is also located at Kicukiro centre this show how landscape photograph was captured in a proper away without any destruction.