Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

From Congo to Rwanda(MKUR) and running for office:Meet IRAGI CIBALONZA ALAIN- aspiring International student’s representative

He who lives sees much, he who travels sees more-Arab proverb. Talked into coming to Rwanda by his big brother, Alain doesn’t regret ever leaving Congo. Apart from discovering that Rwanda is the cleanest country in Africa, the Congolese national also joined school at Mount Kenya University Rwanda where he’s pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management.

Now in the fifth semester, Alain feels he has taken the “back seat” for long and now wants to be directly involved in the leadership of his university.

When asked what made him decide to run for office, Mr. Alain had the following reasons to give;

*I want to solve the problems my fellow students face during exams and CATs; The hours we are given to sit for exams are cut short as a result of Lecturers giving us the exams late (for instance; an exam can be scheduled for 5:00 pm but we end up starting it at 6:00 pm and yet we never get extra time) thus most students end up giving in their answer sheets without attempting all questions.

*Students who take long to pay their school dues miss exams and that to me is not fair. They should at least be allowed to do the exams and their results withheld instead.

*I want to establish a “family” like relationship between the students especially those from foreign countries where they can be able to work together and celebrate happy moments together.

*Most importantly, I want Mount Kenya University Rwanda to start holding graduation ceremonies for outgoing students. Coming from a family of seven, I had an amazing childhood, I love music and a graduation party after school would really make my life complete.

Also a businessman doing E-commerce: selling shoes, clothes, dresses, and sandals for ladies; Alain asks fellow students to not only vote him into office, but also support his business as he only deals in high quality stuff.

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