Online Newspaper for Students at School of Journalism

Managing business at the Pool-BBM students emerge as swimming champions in the MKUR inter-department swimming competitions

Mount Kenya University Rwanda not only empowers generations through education but also talent wise; On top of having a well stocked Library, computer laboratories and well qualified lecturers, the school provides sports and entertainment facilities for its students. Before you enter the school premises, you are welcomed by a basketball court, a pool table as you approach the parking lot inside the university, a clear blue water swimming pool in the girls’ hostel, not forgetting the production studio with musical instruments like guitars, pianos, cameras, and microphones; Indeed when one says the vice chancellor Prof. Edwin Odhuno understood the phrase “work without play makes Jill a dull boy” they don’t lie.

On 9th August, 2022 students from the departments of Business Management, Hospitality and Tourism, Health and science, and Information Technology in partnership with the Swimming coach Mr. Byaruhanga Benon and the Sports minister of Mount Kenya University Rwanda Mr. Nsabimana Claude Bernard organised the first ever Inter-department swimming competition.

While speaking to the magazine team, the Swimming coach Mr. Byaruhanga Benon who was excited about the whole event said Mount Kenya University has talented students who are capable of winning medals at both local and international levels but for them to be able to do that,they need to practice more and stop looking at swimming as a hobby but as a talent that can as well be a career in the future. “In April 16, 2022, we took part in the KWIBUKA TOURNAMENT” and we were able to win two medals (silver), this showed me that with practice and persistence, we can groom national stars hence why I organized the competition.”

The Swimming coach at MKUR during an interview with our team member

The event that was graced by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Mr. John as the guest of honor kicked off at 3:00pm with competitors competing in the categories of: 50metres Breast stroke (boys and girls), 100metres Free style (boys), 50metres free style (boys and girls), 100metres breast stroke (boys), 50metres butterfly (boys), 50metres Back stroke (boys), and Free style mixed with Relay.

Uwase Iris Larissa a Hospitality and Tourism student in her 1st year, 2nd semester won the 50metres free style girls race finishing at 40.79 seconds beating her counter part Allen Murungi of BBM 3rd year last semester who finished at 46.33 seconds. Speaking to our team, Uwase said she has been swimming since childhood, she loves the sport as it helps her keep fit and healthy. Although, she started off in first position, Uwase was later defeated by Allen Mulungi as she came first in 50metres butterfly girls and 50metres breast stroke girls with the former in 2nd position.

The DVC APIA awarding Uwase Iris Larissa a medal for winning in the Butterfly 50metres race

In the boys race, Nsabimana Claude from the Health and Science department who is also the Minister of Sports at Mount Kenya University was the “man of the day” after winning in two out of the three categories that the boys took part in: 50metres breast stroke and 100metres breast stroke. He however came 2nd in the boys 50metres Butterfly race when he finished after 33.91 seconds, while Abdul Karim from the IT/BBIT department came in 1st position (33.35 seconds) and Ntwari Jerusalem from the BBICT department 3rd position (41.45 seconds), and Tower Rugamba from the BBM management came in 4th position finishing after 43.53sec.

Sports minister Claude Nsabimana receiving one of his medals from the DVC APIA

The department of Business Management emerged as the overall winners of the Inter-department competition in a ceremony that was crowned off with a pool party that had lots of drinks, eats, and nyama choma and the Deputy vice chancellor Dr. John Nyiligira awarding medals to the best participants . In his speech, the DVC APIA appreciated the students who took part in the competition, the organizers of the event and urged those students who don’t know how to swim to make use of the pool facilities and those who already know how to swim not to give up so that they can compete on International levels.

Allen Murungi a BBM student holding their trophy

The swimming competitions will not be the only competitions the school will be having as there’s to be a Basket ball match between Mount Kenya University Rwanda and African Leadership University (ALU) that will take place on a date that will be communicated, said the sports minister Mr. Nsabimana Bernard in an interview with the magazine team. He also added that although this is his last term in office, he will make sure the person who replaces him organizes more of such events at least every semester to compensate the time students missed such activities because of COVID-19 and the lock down.

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