A journey in IPRC to visit Rwandan National cricket team, Where they do their practices where it took place on Wednesday 4 October 2023. They normally practice on Monday and Wednesday .
It was a privilege to meet a coach of women’s cricket national team Mr Renaud Nambulu.
Mr Renaud said more about his team, what inspired him to become a coach of cricket and his goals and objectives. He said “first is the love of sports and it is my passion and also it is my career and I want to achieve a lot of things in this game basically that is what motivate to be a coach of cricket and develop a lot of players especially women to make up into there lives and be better from myself work“.

Obviously the aim or goal for any coach of any team is to qualify especially for the big tenements like world cup and winning the major tenements trophies. From my case coaching women is also a challenge because of their beg on the game also fighting against culture tradition for what the people believe that whatever the men do the women can do the same. For example, if you look at cricket explain it to people how it is also important to women and girls to play the game cricket it is not easy, which is also a challenges I faced in the time I stated coaching women.

“Some of member of my team are students which is a challenge because sometimes are studying in the time of practice and when we have tenements, and you know they have to study so for them they have to practice in weekend which is not easy because there is no enough time” coach said.
As the young girl and women to join cricket they need to be supported in terms of encouragement in cricket game as well, so that the game cricket can be known and loved by many people.

Uwase is a player of cricket, she is 18 years old and she is a pat women (goal keeper). She is in Secondary 5 in IPRC Kicukiro.
For her cricket is a very nice game different to other games, because in cricket they learn a lot of displace and they get a lot of friends and there is more opportunities better than what you can get in other games.
Uwase wishes to be play cricket as a professional and playing on a high performance, but she get a challenge of balancing playing and her studies because, sometimes the can be having a tenement abroad and also having classes .
She continued advising the teenagers and fellow young girls who don’t have any game to play. She said “what I can tell my fellow teenagers is to come and play this game not only cricket but also other games because sports is very important in life and it helps us to enjoy in all and also it can help you to get sponsorship and also became your future career.

“My name is ISHIMWE Giselle and I play cricket. I am the captain of the national women’s cricket team in Rwanda under the age of 19. What made me to play cricket was that when I saw how they play is not like other games. Also, most of us who are students do not get enough time to practice when we give ourselves as many hours as possible because we are in school. I wish that the cricket of Rwanda will rise and take another step so that we can participate in many international competitions. The advice I would give to my young friends who don’ have any sport is that sports in general help us in life not only cricket but any other games because they help in life and morals in general.” said Giselle during the interview