A comfort zone for young people is their broken sentencing

If we could, most of us would probably stay forever in our safe zone, that is however not a solution especially as young people. At this age, exploring, doing what scares us most is the goal, because we are at an age where we could fail and have time to get and rebuild ourselves again. […]

Are you a ‘pick me’ person?

This term first made its way on Twitter back in the year 2016 and ever since then, people all over the world have used it to mock others. A pick me person by dictionary is defined as someone that deliberately exhibits behavior that attempts to appease others (most often the opposite sex), whilst acting as […]

Living in Purity: CU & BCC-MKUR Annual Conference Celebration

If you have been attending or if you are a former graduate of Mount Kenya Rwanda specifically its branch in Kigali, you might have heard of or better yet you have even attended a service hosted by the Christian Union. A group of students who gather on specific days to read the word of God, […]

Educate a woman, educate a Nation; MKUR Nursing students sensitize residents of Gatenga-Kicukiro district about Cervical cancer

As part of their school project, students from Mount Kenya University Rwanda (MKUR) nursing department on 4th, November, 2022 visited Gatenga Health Centre in Kicukiro district to sensitize patients, in particular women about cervical cancer and its causes. Led by their group leader Matthew Ouma Okumu, the nursing students spent their whole afternoon educating women […]

Mount Kigali University to fete best, in hotel naming competition

Mount Kigali University (MKUR) will award the best student who can coin a unique name for the new hotel being constructed in Kigali Rwanda. In a message circulated by the Dean of Students, Joyce Kirabo the best name from a group will pocket Rwf 6 million, an individual winner will pocket Rwf. 3 Million plus […]

It is okay, i’m an addict!!

There is a certain relief that comes with admitting our most hidden shame and saying out loud, shame is commonly defined as a painful emotion caused by having done something wrong or improper, by announcing our inner most secrets especially the ones that cause us to have that painful emotion to someone meaning our friends, relatives, therapists […]